Taranaki District Health Board – Exit Survey
Thank you for visiting this site to complete the Exit survey. This survey only takes 3-4 minutes.
TDHB appreciate your input as they wish to understand how they can improve the working environment and careers of their staff.
To ensure your confidentiality TDHB have engaged SurveyNow to manage this survey on their behalf.
This means that the raw data collected in this survey is held by SurveyNow only until a Summary report is produced and sent to TDHB. The raw data will then be destroyed.
The Summary report will only show aggregated data .i.e no individual or their comments can be identified through the summary report. This ensures absolute confidentiality and the opportunity for you to answer questions as openly as possible.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. If you have any questions you can contact the Survey Manager, John Lawson at john@job.co.nz or 021922930.